Your Benefits

Your Benefits
At Tick Travel Insurance, it’s important to us that you understand the cover you’re about to take out!
So, we’ve made it easy for you to understand what your policy involves. We lay out the terms so you know exactly what you’re buying and what benefits you can claim if the need arises.
Please check the full PDS to decide if this cover is right for you and contact us if you have any questions.
Medical & Hospital Benefits
We’re thrilled to offer unlimited overseas medical cover for all our travellers, no matter which level of cover you choose.
This means that if you need medical or hospital treatment while overseas, we’ll cover the cost of your treatments.
We can also:
- — Cover any ambulance and emergency surgery costs
- — Help you in the event of a medical emergency and ensure you receive the best level of care
- — Assist you in getting home if medically necessary
Provide you with cover if you or someone under your policy dies while overseas
Emergency Costs
We’re thrilled to offer unlimited overseas medical cover for all our travellers, no matter which level of cover you choose.
This means that if you need medical or hospital treatment while overseas, we’ll cover the cost of your treatments.
We can also:
- — Cover any ambulance and emergency surgery costs
- — Help you in the event of a medical emergency and ensure you receive the best level of care
- — Assist you in getting home if medically necessary
- — Provide you with cover if you or someone under your policy dies while overseas
Cancellations, Curtailments & Journey Resumptions
If you need to cancel your holiday due to an unforeseen and coverable event such as an illness or injury, we will provide coverage, no matter which level of cover you choose in our domestic policies, or our Standard and Top policies in our single trip policy.
In the circumstance you need to cut your trip short, and resume your trip, we will provide coverage to you in our Standard and Top levels of cover in our domestic and single-trip policies.
This means that if you need medical or hospital treatment while overseas, we’ll cover the cost of your treatments. We can also:
- — Cover any ambulance and emergency surgery costs
- — Help you in the event of a medical emergency and ensure you receive the best level of care
- — Assist you in getting home if medically necessary
- — Provide you with cover if you or someone under your policy dies while overseas
Pre-Existing Medical Conditions
Pre-existing medical conditions are conditions that you have been diagnosed with prior to purchasing your policy. You’ll need to tell us if:
- — You have a diagnosed medical condition that you have received treatment, medication or medical advice in the past 5 years
- — You are waiting on medical tests or treatments
- — Your medical practitioner has advised you not to travel for medical reasons
- — You are travelling to receive medical treatment overseas
We can then determine if we can cover your pre-existing medical condition under our policy^. If we can’t, you’ll still be covered for other incidents, illnesses and injuries (just not ones related to your condition).
Travel Delay Expenses
Were you all ready to depart or fly into Australia on your return trip only to find that your travel had been delayed by more than 12 hours by your airline? Maybe due to bad weather, a breakdown or a strike?
If this happens, we’ll reimburse you the cost of your necessary additional meals and accommodation expenses, up to the limit in your specific policy (keep in mind that this won’t cover you if you miss a connecting flight).
Baggage & Valuables
Baggage and valuables can become lost, stolen or damaged during your travels. We’ll cover the cost of repairing or replacing these items if you experience an incident, up to the amount listed in your policy cover.
Remember that items like laptops, phones, tablets, cameras and video cameras will all have ‘sub-limits’ – or limits of their own. You’ll also need to purchase Standard or Top policies to get cover for these specific items.
Baggage Delays
Having your baggage delayed by a carrier can be pesky. If you discover your baggage has been delayed for more than 24 hours (on any flight that is not your final return trip to Australia), we’ll cover the essential items you need to buy in the interim, such as toiletries, clothes etc.
Remember that items like laptops, phones, tablets, cameras and video cameras will all have ‘sub-limits’ – or limits of their own. You’ll also need to purchase Standard or Top policies to get cover for these specific items.
Passports & Money
Did you know that Tick Travel Insurance can cover you if your travel documents or monetary items become lost, stolen or damaged on your trip? This includes:
- — Passports
- — Visas
- — Travellers' cheques
- — Cash
Personal Accident & Loss of Income
Unfortunately, accidents can happen when on holiday. If yours is caused by external factors only and results in certain permanent disabilities, we’ll pay you the sum listed in your policy. For more information check your PDS.
If you experience an accident that also prevents you from working full-time after you return to Australia, we’ll pay you a portion of your average lost income. More info on this can be found in your PDS.
Personal Liability
If you’re involved in an accident overseas that harms another individual or causes property damage or loss, the financial and legal repercussions can be significant.
Cover in this area provides you with up to $3 million for costs in situations where you are found to be legally liable. We’ll also provide you with legal representatives to handle your defence or prosecution.
Pet Care
Leaving your furry friend (cat or dog) behind while you travel? No worries!
If your flight is delayed by more than 24 hours on your final flight home and your pet is in a kennel or cattery, we’ll cover the additional boarding costs up to the limits in your policy.
Excesses are amounts that you need to pay before we can pay you out for any approved claim.
- — The standard excess on all of our policies^ is $200
- — You can choose a lower excess of $0 if you wish (which will make your premium slightly higher).
Rental Vehicle Excess Waiver
If you plan to hire a rental car, our Rental Vehicle Excess Waiver can save you significant cash!
If you need to claim on your insurance with the rental company (due to an accident, damage or theft), you’ll often need to pay an excess to them. Sometimes, this can mean hundreds or thousands of dollars.
Tick Travel Insurance’s Rental Vehicle Excess Waiver means that we’ll pay this excess for you – as long as you rent the car for no more than 35 days, don’t drive off a Public Highway and the vehicle has less than 9 seats.
Children & Dependents
At Tick Travel Insurance, we’re all for family travel! That’s why we offer free cover for any child or dependent (including grandchildren, adopted children, and foster children) travelling with their parent or grandparent. This means that your child will receive the exact same level of cover that you get.
A child is classified as someone who is under 18 years of age at the time the policy is purchased.
** Children (including fostered or adopted children) travelling with either their parents or grandparents will be provided with travel insurance cover for no additional cost (any pre-existing medical conditions may incur an additional charge). This is provided they are under 18 years of age, named on the Policy Schedule and are financially dependent on either their parents or grandparents.
Understand Travel Insurance: Glossary of Terms
Understanding travel insurance can be tricky, but knowing key terms helps. Here are some important definitions to guide you.
Departure Date
The departure date as specified in your policy schedule.
Dependent Children
Your financially dependent children or grandchildren (including fostered or adopted children or grandchildren) who are under 18 years of age and who are named on the policy schedule.
As a point of clarification: No cover is available for children who are born overseas during your trip.
End Date
The end date is your travel conclusion date and is as specified in your policy schedule.
A fast-spreading infectious or contagious disease or illness documented by a public health authority.
Your usual place of residence within Australia.
Insured Person
Any person for whom the appropriate premium has been paid and who is named on your policy schedule.
Natural Disaster
An extraordinary natural phenomenon such as floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, volcanic eruptions, atypical cyclonic storms, falling objects from space and aerolites, and in general any extraordinary atmospheric, meteorological, seismic or geological phenomenon.
An epidemic that is expected to affect more than one country or declared to be a pandemic by a public health authority.
A person who is over the age of 18, who you live with at the time of purchasing this insurance, and who is your husband or wife, fiancé or fiancée, or de-facto partners of either sex and who are named on the policy schedule.
The person named in the policy schedule is the policyholder and is also an insured person under this policy.
Policy Issue Date
The date the policy schedule is issued and is specified on your policy schedule.
Policy Schedule
The Tick Travel Insurance document shows the names and details of all the people insured under this policy and any special conditions that apply.
Pre-Existing Medical Condition
Any diagnosed medical condition which, in the last 5 years, you or any insured person has suffered from or has received any form of medical advice, treatment or medication for.
Proof of Ownership
We may consider valuation certificates, ATM receipts, and warranty cards if you are unable to provide receipts, bank statements and/or invoices. We do not consider photographic evidence as proof of ownership.
Terrorist Act
Any actual or threatened use of force or violence directed at or causing damage, injury, harm or disruption, or committing of an act dangerous to human life or property, against any individual, property or government, with the stated or unstated objective of pursuing economic, ethnic, nationalistic, political, racial or religious interests, whether such interests are declared or not. Robberies or other criminal acts, primarily committed for personal gain and acts arising primarily from prior personal relationships between perpetrator(s) and victim(s) shall not be considered terrorist acts.
Terrorism shall also include any act that is verified or recognised by the (relevant) Government as an act of terrorism.
Travelling Companion
The person who is to travel with you for at least 50% of the trip and who made arrangements to accompany you before you began the trip.
Your partner, or your partner’s; parent, brother, sister, son, daughter, (including adopted or fostered children), son-in-law, daughter-in-law, uncle, aunt, grandparent, grandchild, stepparent, stepchild, stepbrother, stepsister or next of kin.
Complications of Pregnancy and Childbirth
Any of the following that occur before the 31st week of pregnancy:
- — Toxaemia (toxins in the blood)
- — Gestational diabetes (diabetes arising as a result of pregnancy)
- — Gestational hypertension (high blood pressure arising as a result of pregnancy)
- — Pre-eclampsia (where you develop high blood pressure, carry abnormal fluid and have protein in your urine during the second half of pregnancy)
- — Ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy that develops outside of the uterus)
- — Molar pregnancy or hydatidiform mole (a pregnancy in which a tumour develops from the placental tissue)
- — Post-partum haemorrhage (excessive bleeding following childbirth)
- — Retained placenta membrane (part or all of the placenta is left behind in the uterus after delivery)
- — Placental abruption (part or all of the placenta separates from the wall of the uterus)
- — Hyperemesis gravidarum (excessive vomiting as a result of pregnancy)
- — Placenta praevia (when the placenta is in the lower part of the uterus and covers part or all of the cervix)
- — Stillbirth
- — Miscarriage
- — Emergency caesarean section
- — A termination needed for medical reasons
- — Premature birth more than 10 weeks (or 18 weeks if you know you are having more than one baby) before the expected delivery date