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Cruise Travel Insurance

Cruise Travel Insurance

Ahoy there! Thinking about setting sail to the stunning islands of the South Pacific or cruising through the picturesque Mediterranean? 

Get a Quote

Cruises are the ultimate way to relax, explore, and soak up the sights – all while unpacking once. But let’s face it: even the smoothest voyage can hit a wave or two. From unexpected seasickness on a cruise ship to a missed port or even lost luggage, it’s important to be prepared.


Our Cruise Travel Insurance covers...

Whether you’re planning on a domestic or international cruise, Tick has you covered.

Medical Icon
Medical and Hospital Expenses
Unlimited coverage for unexpected overseas medical emergencies.
Lost or Damaged Belongings Icon
Lost or Damaged Belongings
Different levels of coverage for theft, loss, or damage to your personal items and baggage.
Travel Delay Icon
Travel Disruptions
Protection against delays, cancellations, and itinerary changes for Standard and Top Policies.

Learn More

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What is Cruise Travel Insurance?


Cruise travel comes with unique risks, and Tick understands the importance of worry-less journeys. Tick, a multi-award winner and Canstar award winner for three consecutive years, offers comprehensive Cruise Travel coverage to ensure added peace of mind on the water.
Whether you're embarking on a domestic or international cruise, we've got you covered for a seamless experience. Because you never know what nature—or the sea—has in store.
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What Are the Benefits of Cruise Travel Insurance?


Unlimited Medical Coverage outside AustraliaGet unlimited medical coverage for any emergencies that may arise during your cruise. This includes emergency medical treatment, surgical, hospital treatment, and ambulance costs.
Trip Cancellation Before DepartureGet reimbursed for non-refundable expenses if you need to cancel your trip before departure for any of the necessary and unavoidable reasons mentioned in the PDS. Only for Budget (up to $5,000), Standard (up to $5,000), and Top Policies (up to $20,000).
Medical and Other Expenses Outside AustraliaCoverage for the cost of returning to Australia earlier than planned if medically necessary. Up to $50,000 for returning your body or ashes to Australia, or up to $10,000 for funeral and burial expenses abroad with Top Cover. Up to $500 for emergency dental treatment for immediate pain relief with Top Cover.
Personal Belongings and BaggageDifferent levels of coverage for items lost, stolen, or damaged during your trip. Payment is based on the value of the property at the time it was lost, stolen, or damaged, with allowances for wear and tear.
Hospital Cash AllowanceReceive a daily cash allowance if you are hospitalised during your trip with Standard and Top Cover.
Missed Cruise DepartureDifferent levels of coverage for additional travel expenses if you miss your cruise departure due to unforeseen circumstances. This includes accidents, transport delays, or natural disasters (with the Natural Disaster upgrade).
Cruise Delay ExpensesReimbursement for additional meals and accommodation expenses if your departure is delayed for more than 12 hours due to poor weather conditions, strikes, industrial actions or mechanical breakdowns with Standard and Top cover. Up to $50 per 12-hour period, up to $500 with standard cover, and up to $100 per 12-hour period, up to $1000 with Top cover.
Missed PortCompensation if your cruise docks at fewer ports than scheduled due to adverse weather or other covered reasons. Not applicable if your cruise docks at an alternative port or if you have Basic or Budget cover.
For full benefit details, read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) or the Table of Benefits.
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What is not covered under your cruise travel insurance?


Cruise travel insurance does not cover:

  • Non-urgent medical treatments outside of Australia: Any treatment or surgery that is not immediately medically necessary and can wait until you return home, including any routine medical, dental or prenatal visits.
  • Change of plans: Costs related to cancellations that are related to a change of plans because you or your travelling companion change your mind and decide not to proceed with your original trip or choose not to travel.
  • Insufficient evidence for claims: Travel or cruise delay expenses if you cannot provide appropriate evidence (e.g. receipts or bank statements for the additional meals and accommodation expenses being claimed).
  • Missed port coverage: Claims where your cruise docks at an alternative port during a trip in replacement of your scheduled port.
  • Sporting activities: This product is not suitable if you plan to participate in any sporting competition or tournament or participate on a professional basis during your trip.

For a complete list of exclusions, please read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS).

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What Destinations Are Covered Under Tick Cruise Travel Insurance?


RegionCountries and Details
DomesticFor domestic travel within Australian waters or international waters, with shore excursions on the Australian mainland and with no stops at any international ports.
PacificAmerican Samoa, Cook Islands, Fiji Islands, French Polynesia (including Tahiti), Kiribati, New Caledonia, Niue, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea.
Pacific + DomesticTravel to any Pacific destination and docks at any Australian port after departure.
AsiaBangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Nepal, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam only.
Asia + DomesticTravel to any Asia destination and docks at any Australian port after departure.
Worldwide (Excluding)Worldwide excluding USA, Canada, Mexico, Caribbean, Central & South America and Antarctica.
Worldwide (Including)Worldwide including USA, Canada, Mexico, Caribbean, Central & South America and Antarctica (cruises only).


Note: For multiple destination itineraries, select the travel plan for the destination where you will spend the majority of your trip overseas, except where you will spend more than 48 hours in North or South America.

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How to Choose the Right Cruise Travel Insurance


Tick Travel Insurance offers four levels of cover: Basic, Budget, Standard, and Top. Each level varies in coverage limits, destinations, and duration.
Choose based on:
  1. Policy Type (number of people covered)
    • Individual: This option provides cover for one person who is 18 years of age or older and their accompanying dependent children.
    • Couple: This option provides cover for two adults who are in a partner relationship.
    • Family: This option provides cover for two adults who are in a partner relationship and their accompanying dependent children.
  2. Coverage Level
    • Choose from four tiers of policies: Basic, Budget, Standard, or Top to suit every budget.
  3. Policy Upgrades and Amendments
    • Winter Sports Cover
    • Natural Disasters Cover
    • Additional Specified Items Cover
Tick offers cover for one trip up to a maximum duration that you select. The age limits, available travel destinations, maximum trip duration, cover benefits, and sum insured entitlements differ under each level of cover. Compare the options and choose the one that best fits your travel plans.
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What Are the Eligibility Requirements for Cruise Travel Insurance?


Citizenship/Residency requirements -
Available to travellers who are:
  • Citizens or permanent residents of Australia
  • Non-permanent residents with valid Medicare, Private Health Fund, or Overseas Student Travel Insurance in Australia
Evidence required (if requested):
  • Copy of your passport
  • Australian residency documents
  • Birth certificate
  • Copy of valid Medicare, Private Health Fund, or Overseas Student Travel Insurance
  • Any other official documents proving residency or citizenship
Note: Claims or assistance may not be provided if such evidence cannot be supplied when requested.
  • Applicants must be 79 years of age or under at the date of applying for this insurance (age limit depends on the level of cover selected).
  • Applicants must be 18 years of age or over at the date of applying for this insurance.
  • Persons over the age of 18 may purchase this policy on behalf of financially dependent children or grandchildren (including fostered or adopted children or grandchildren) who are under 18 years of age at the time of the application for this insurance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions about Cruise Travel Insurance? We’ve answered some of the most common ones below.

When do I need to buy a cruise cover?

The best time to purchase your travel insurance is as soon as you have booked or finalised your holiday.

You should make sure that your insurance covers you for:

  • The destination/s you will be visiting

  • Your general level of risk based on your activities

  • Luggage and baggage items

  • Any additional valuables you decide to bring

  • Your planned activities and sports

  • Your specific needs, such as age or pre-existing medical conditions

Do I need a different travel insurance for a cruise?

Tick Travel Insurance’s Cruise Policies provides coverage when you’re travelling on land, in the air and cruising the ocean. When purchasing a cruise policy, simply select ‘cruise’ as your trip type and select your destination bracket.

Are Seniors covered in cruise travel insurance?

Tick's Cruise Travel Insurance has some age requirements to keep in mind. Applicants must be 79 years of age or under at the date of applying for this insurance (age limit depends on the level of cover selected).

Age Limits at the date of application69 years of age or under79 years of age or under
Maximum Trip Duration (If you are aged 64 or under)42 days42 days if you travel to Pacific or Pacific and Domestic destinations; 365 days if you travel to other destinations
Maximum Trip Duration (If you are aged 65 or over)42 days42 days if you travel to Pacific or Pacific and Domestic destinations; 90 days if you travel to other destinations

Does Travel Insurance cover sea sickness?

Tick Cruise Travel Insurance provides unlimited coverage for medical and other expenses outside Australia across all their plans. This includes coverage for severe seasickness, ensuring that if the costs are reasonable and necessary due to seasickness, your expenses will be covered.

So, what are you waiting for? Get your cruise travel covered. Get a quote now.