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Single-Trip Travel Insurance

At Tick Travel Insurance, we love to travel as much as you do. Our Single-Trip policies offer comprehensive travel insurance with 4 levels of cover for you to choose from.

Tick Travel Insurance Policies^ cover single travellers, couples or families travelling to over 100 countries worldwide.

Our Single-Trip policies^ offer cover for 90 sports and activities, free cover for kids and 24-hour emergency assistance. Check below for more benefits:

Benefits of Single-Trip Travel Insurance

Unlimited Overseas Medical Expenses
Baggage cover for up to $7,500 on Top Policies
Free cover for kids when travelling with parents or grandparents**
Up to $20,000 cover for cancellation on Top Policies
Cover for travel delays, or cutting your trip short
Rental car excess waiver
Pregnancy cover for up to 30 weeks

Still got questions?

Got questions about Tick Travel Insurance? We’ve answered some of the most common ones below. If you’re still curious, hop over to our FAQs page for more details!

Am I covered if my family member gets sick and do I have to cancel the policy?

You may claim under Section A “Cancelling your trip prior to departure” for the unforeseeable death, injury or illness of your relative, business associate or travelling companion who is resident in Australia and who is in Australia at the time the event occurs. 

This cover is only available if you have selected Budget, Standard or Top level of cover. Please refer to Section A of the PDS, for full coverage and exclusion relating to the cover. 

You can also cancel your insurance within 14 days cooling-off period, if you have not made a claim or exercised any other rights under your policy and your trip has not commenced. 

If you cancel after the 14-day period and have not made a claim or exercised any other rights under your policy, we will refund you a proportion of the premium for the outstanding period of cover less any government charges and taxes that we cannot recover.

What is the excess on the policy?

The standard excess on Tick Insurance policies is $200 per person, per event and per applicable section. If you wish to remove the excess, we can offer you the excess waiver for an additional premium. If an excess applies to a claim, it means that you need to pay the stated amount towards the claim. 

For example, if you have a covered claim for $500 and an excess of $200 applies to the cover you are claiming under, you will only receive $300 in settlement of the claim. 

Excesses only apply to certain sections of the Tick Travel Insurance policies, as set out in the relevant Policy Wording’s Table of Benefits.

What Pre-Existing Medical Conditions Do You Cover?

At Tick, we consider all pre-existing conditions via a medical questionnaire that you can easily complete online. We do not require any medical certificates or forms from your doctor upfront. 

To find out if your pre-existing condition is covered, please follow the quote process online or contact us.


How Do I Start a Claim?

You must register any claim within 30 days of returning back to Australia. You can either lodge a claim online or download a claim form from the Important Claims Information page and post it along with all your supporting documents. For more details, you can also refer to our PDS – 'How to make a claim' section.

Please refer to the claims section of our website for more detailed instructions and guidelines on the claims process.

How does travel insurance play a role in the loss of baggage?

Baggage and valuables can become lost, stolen or damaged during your travels. We’ll cover the cost of repairing or replacing these items if you experience an incident, up to the amount listed in your policy cover. Remember that items like laptops, phones, tablets, cameras and video cameras will all have ‘sub-limits’ – or limits of their own. You’ll also need to purchase Standard or Top policies to get cover for these specific items.


What is the maximum trip length?

Tick Insurance provides you cover for a single return holiday or journey beginning in Australia and ending in your home address in Australia. The maximum trip length depends on the level of cover you select, your age at the date of application and your travel destination. Please check the PDS which is relevant to your trip, or get a quote online to know if your trip can be covered. For any one-way trips, the cover ends under all sections 24 hours after you leave immigration control in the final country you go to or at the end of the period shown on your policy schedule, whichever is earlier. For full details, please refer to the PDS under section 'Definition of Trip'.


How can I obtain a certificate of currency?

Your certificate of currency is your Insurance Certificate also known as Policy Schedule. This shows your details and what you are covered for. Should you require any further documentation for your travel, please contact our Customer Service team to facilitate your request.


What is the car rental excess waiver?

We will reimburse the Rental Car insurance excess charged to you through the rental car company if a car you have rented during your trip is involved in a motor vehicle accident while you are driving, or is damaged or stolen while in your custody. However, exclusions apply, and you should consult the PDS to see the exclusions. Find the PDS relevant to your trip here.


** Children (including fostered or adopted children) travelling with either their parents or grandparents will be provided with travel insurance coverage for no additional cost (any pre-existing medical conditions may incur an additional charge). This is provided they are under 18 years of age, named on the Policy Schedule and are financially dependent on either their parents or grandparents.